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William Ruto

William Ruto

William Ruto is the Republic of Kenya’s fifth President. His first career wasn’t in politics but in the classroom. Ruto got involved in politics when he began campaigning for Daniel Arap Moi, the presidential candidate of the “KANU” party. This campaign was not only a huge success, but it also showed how good he was at being in office. Ruto was elected to different positions in the government because he was a good leader. During his time in politics, he has had to deal with a lot of problems and has been accused of a lot of bad things. The International Criminal Court (ICC) charged Ruto and a few other people on January 22, 2012, for their roles in the 2007–2008 election violence, but in April 2016, the ICC dropped its case against him. But this hasn’t made people less interested in him, and they’ve always been behind him. He worked on the committee that was in charge of making changes to the constitution. In Kenya’s presidential election of 2022, he was chosen to be the new leader.

Early years and childhood:

Daniel and Sarah Cheruiyot gave birth to him on December 21, 1966, in the Kenyan county of Uasin Gishu, in a place called Kamagut.
Ruto went to a primary school in Kamagut for his early education. After that, he went to the “Wareng Secondary School” in Eldoret.

Ruto went to Kapsabet High School in Nandi to get his A-level education after he finished his O-level education.

Later, he went to the “University of Nairobi” to get a bachelor’s degree. As part of this course, he got very good at things like Zoology and Botany. He graduated in 1990 and was the best in his class. Because of this, he was given the scholarship to go back to the same university and get his master’s degree.

In 1991, he signed up for an MSc at the university, but he had to put it off for a year because of other things.


In 1992, he joined the “Kenya African National Union” (KANU) to help the party’s founder, Daniel Arap Moi, win an election.
To be more specific, he represented the “Kenya African National Union” (KANU). In 1997, he became a Member of Parliament for the Eldoret North constituency, which put him on the Kenyan political scene.
In 2002, he was chosen to be the Assistant Minister of Home Affairs. That same year, he was also chosen to be a member of Parliament again.
In 2005, this person was named Secretary General of the “Kenya African National Union” (KANU) party.
William said in 2006 that he would run for President in the elections that would start the following year. But the other members of KANU did not agree with the leader’s choice. So, he tried to get a nomination from the “Orange Democratic Movement” (ODM) but was unsuccessful.
William left the “Kenya African National Union” (KANU) party in 2007 and quit his job as its secretary.
In the 2007 presidential elections, the election commission said that Mwai Kibaki, a candidate for the “National Rainbow Coalition,” was the winner, but exit polls showed that Raila Odinga, another Kenyan politician, and presidential candidate, was the winner.
But Kibaki was elected as President of Kenya, and he and Odinga quickly came to an agreement and decided to form a coalition cabinet.
In 2008, the coalition cabinet was finally put together, and William Ruto was chosen to be its Minister of Agriculture.
William Ruto was moved from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Ministry of Higher Education in the year 2010.

In 2011, the politician gave up his job as a minister, but he kept his position as a Member of Parliament. Ruto finished his Master’s degree in Environmental Science in the same year.

In 2012, the “Law Society of Kenya” (KSK) put some people on a “black list” because they were accused of corruption. They asked the public not to vote for the people on the list. Ruto’s name was on the list, but the next year, when he ran as a running mate for Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, he got a huge number of votes.

Ruto and Kenyatta put together a coalition party called the “Jubilee Alliance” so that they could run for president together.

In the 2013 Presidential Elections, Kenyans chose Uhuru Kenyatta as President and William Ruto as Vice President.

In December 2020, Ruto said that he would work with the new United Democratic Alliance party. In the general elections in Kenya in 2022, William Ruto beat Raila Odinga to become President of Kenya.

Important Works:

Before he got into politics, William worked as a teacher at several secondary schools in Sirgoi and Kamagut. People say that dozens of students have learned a lot from the way the leader teaches. Many of his former students say that he always encouraged them to do their best and go far.

Personal Life and Leave Behind:

William Ruto has been married to Rachel Chebet since 1991. They had known each other since college, long before they got married. They have been showered with six children since then.

In 2009, he was accused of selling maize that belonged to the government without permission. All of these claims, however, were thrown out by the deputy speaker of the Parliament.

People say that William owns a lot of shares in the company “Amaco Insurance.”

He was accused of making plans and plots against President Kibaki, which led to violence during the elections. The Criminal Court asked for him to be brought in for questioning. There are also many criminal charges against the leader of the government.


People think that Ruto has done a lot of low-skilled work, like selling nuts and chickens on the road between Nakuru and Eldoret.

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