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Waterloo Police Increases Efforts to Eliminate Witch-doctors

The Operations Team of Waterloo Division, in collaboration with the Council of Traditional Healers’ leadership in Sierra Leone, conducted a search at the residence of a renowned witch-doctor named John Conteh, also known as Sharia Law, on the outskirts of Waterloo in 5 Mile Village on Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023. The search was carried out to eliminate nefarious witch-doctors from the area.

The search operation lasted over an hour and attracted hundreds of onlookers, mainly clients and admirers of the well-known witch-doctor. Some of the items discovered in the witch-doctor’s shrine had a strong smell that caused headaches and nausea for some of the search team.

During the search, several items were discovered in the feared shrine of Sharia Law, including a locally-made shotgun pistol with bullets, a witch-gun wrapped with cowries (jaygay), well-preserved baboon teeth, carefully ground human bones kept in a plastic cup, a bundle of human dreadlocks, and more.

As the search progressed, a wooden box containing several snakes was found in the witch-doctor’s shrine. When the box was opened, the snakes mysteriously disappeared, causing panic among the police and onlookers.

The Council of Traditional Healers’ leadership in Sierra Leone calmed the situation and reassured the police of their safety and well-being. As the shrine of the witch-doctor was dismantled by his colleagues and superiors in the dark world, he broke down in tears, stating that he was “finished.”

The scene was a mixture of joy and sadness, depending on one’s perspective of the witch-doctor, John Conteh, alias Sharia Law, whom some described as a “true morray man.”

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