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10 facts about Samura Kamara


Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara is a well-known public figure in Sierra Leone, particularly in the political realm. Here are 10 facts about him:

  1. Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara was born on April 30, 1951, in Kamalo, Karene District, Sierra Leone to a mother from Kamalo, Sand Loko Chiefdom, and a father from Maworoko village around Gberray Junction, Maforki Chiefdom, Port Loko District. 
  1. Kamara attended St. Edwards Secondary School in Freetown after completing his secondary education at the UCC in Bo, Sierra Leone, with the help of his parents. He was an active football player during his secondary school and university days.


  1. Kamara holds several academic degrees from prestigious universities, including a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, an MA in Political Economy, an MSc in Economics, and a doctorate (PhD) in Development Economics from Bangor University, North Wales, United Kingdom.
  1. After completing his PhD, Kamara worked for institutions like the Commonwealth, World Bank, and IMF. He became a top policy technocrat who specialized in transforming the economies of underdeveloped and developing countries.


  1. In 1994, Kamara was appointed Program Manager for World Bank Structural Support Plan to Sierra Leone and served as Financial Secretary for the government of Sierra Leone, responsible for managing bilateral and multilateral Overseas Development Assistance to Sierra Leone. He also served as the Financial Secretary and Bank Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone.
  1. Kamara’s experience and expertise led to his appointment as Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation respectively under the leadership of President Koroma. As Minister of Finance, he introduced rational exuberance into national monetary and fiscal policies, expanding the banking sector and making the financial system more inclusive.


  1. Kamara’s effective policy measures, such as the integrated financial management information system and the compulsory publication of the Auditor General’s compiled report on the state of the economy, turned out to be pragmatic policies in relation to financial inclusion and accountability.
  1. In October 2018, Kamara was elected the Presidential Candidate for the APC Party in Sierra Leone. He became the Presidential candidate at a moment of the APC transitioning to a new leadership after 11 years in governance and at a time when the country was recovering from the Ebola Virus Disease. Despite these challenges, Kamara built a formidable team and ran a peaceful and well-organized national election campaign.


  1. Kamara’s leadership at the Ministry of Finance and Foreign Affairs enhanced the capacity of those ministries to devise effective policies, and lead sustained and meaningful economic programs. During his tenure, Sierra Leone experienced the biggest economic expansion with a 5.2% annual growth in GDP and real-time increase in PPP. Kamara also strengthened economic cooperation with China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Korea, and the United States of America.
  1. Kamara is married to Elizabeth Massah Rogers-Kamara from Pujehun District, Southern Sierra Leone. They have four children, Lucy Odong, Samura Kamara Jr, Gibril Kamara, and Samira Mykay Kpakiwa. 


In conclusion, Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara’s remarkable journey, expertise, and leadership have had a significant impact on Sierra Leone’s development, particularly in the economic and political spheres. His commitment to building a prosperous country for all Sierra Leoneans and his dedication to financial liberalization and accountability have made him a respected and beloved figure in Sierra Leonean politics.

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