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President Julius Maada Bio Meets Sonatel Group Delegation to Boost Sierra Leone's Digital Future

President Julius Maada Bio Meets Sonatel Group Delegation to Boost Sierra Leone’s Digital Future

In an exciting development at the State House in Freetown today, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio engaged in discussions with a distinguished delegation from the Sonatel Group, the parent company of Orange Sierra Leone. This high-level meeting featured the presence of Mr. Sékou Dramé, the CEO of Sonatel Group, and Mr. Sékou Amadou Bah, the CEO of Orange Sierra Leone. Their primary focus was to deliberate on the company’s role in supporting the Bio-led administration’s digital penetration policy in Sierra Leone.

His Excellency extended a warm welcome to the delegation, expressing his heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering dedication to the government’s digital revolution strategy. He also commended Orange Sierra Leone for their instrumental contributions in creating both direct and indirect job opportunities, particularly through dynamic partnerships within the technical and commercial sectors.

The Sierra Leonean government is fully committed to collaborating with strategic partners and stakeholders to further its ambitions of playing a pivotal role in the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution. Additionally, there is a strong determination to prepare the nation’s youth for the jobs of the future by leveraging the power of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

His Excellency also praised the Sonatel Group’s strategic approach to geographical and business diversification. He expressed eager anticipation for the government

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