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New malian Mp at the UN
New malian Mp at the UN

New Malian MP Blasts France at the United Nations

Abdoulaye Maiga, the new Prime Minister of Mali, gave a speech at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the UN headquarters in New York, United States. In his speech, he criticized France for its role in Mali’s current security problems and praised Mali’s partnership with Russia as being successful.

The Minister criticized France again for what he saw as a “unilateral decision” by the European country to move its remaining troops to neighboring Niger after they were forced out of Mali because of public protests.
The Minister has also ceased the possibility to educate foreign nations that are still gripping on the old ways of trying to control or intimate Africa through various barbaric tactics. This opportunity was halted due to the Minister’s actions.

Mali’s Prime Minister Abdoulaye Maiga addressed the 77th session of the UNGA [Eduardo Munoz/Reuters]

According to the Prime Minister, things are not proceeding as usual since Africans are presently banding together in the struggle against foreign dominance. The sound of the revolution’s “tom-tom” can be heard in the countryside as well as in the metropolis.
“Move on from the colonial past and hear the rage, the frustration, and the rejection that is coming up from the African cities and countryside and understand that this movement is inexorable,” Prime Minister Maiga educates world leaders on.

“Your intimidations and subversive actions have only swelled the ranks of Africans concerned with preserving their dignity,” he further reiterates added.

While openly applauding the “exemplary and fruitful cooperation between Mali and Russia” and the influence of mercenaries from the Wagner Group, the Malian prime minister presented a bleak evaluation of the United Nations peacekeeping force known as MINUSMA.

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