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Passenger Plane Plunges Into Lake Victoria, Tanzania
Passenger Plane Plunges Into Lake Victoria, Tanzania

In Tanzania, a passenger aircraft crashes into Lake Victoria.

It has been reported that a passenger plane operated by Precision Air has crashed into Lake Victoria. The incident, which took place early on Sunday morning in the Kagera region and occurred just as the plane was about to land at the Bukoba Airport in Tanzania, has been confirmed by the local authorities.

Local fishermen are participating in rescue efforts at this time, attempting to free passengers and crew members who are still trapped inside the plane.

According to reports from local media outlets, the aircraft, which was en route from Mwanza, had a total of 49 passengers on board when it crashed as a result of the heavy rain and strong winds that were observed in the region.

As search and rescue efforts continue, President Samia Suluhu of Tanzania has asked the populace to maintain their composure.

She expressed her position in a statement that was published in Swahili, the country’s official language:

“Nimepokea kwa masikitiko taarifa ya ajali ya ndege ya Shirika la Precision katika Ziwa Victoria, mkoani Kagera. Natuma salamu za pole kwa wote walioathirika na ajali hii. Tuendelee kuwa watulivu wakati huu zoezi la uokoaji likiendelea huku tukimuomba Mwenyezi Mungu atusaidie,”

In english the statement translates:

“I have received with regret the information of the plane crash of Precision Corporation in Lake Victoria, Kagera region. I send my condolences to all those affected by this accident. Let’s continue to be calm while the rescue operation continues while we also ask Allah to help us”

The African Shows prays for comfort for the Tanzanian people in this trying situation

Also read: Conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region: Parties agree to end fighting

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