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The African Shows
President Bio will depart Sierra Leone

H.E. President Bio departs Sierra Leone for the United Kingdom to attend the coronation ceremony of His Majesty King Charles

His Excellency President Bio is set to depart from Sierra Leone to attend the coronation ceremony of His Majesty King Charles III in the United Kingdom. The First Lady, Dr. Fatima Bio, will also be accompanying him on this diplomatic mission.

The President’s attendance at this significant event is a testament to the strong diplomatic relations and mutual respect between Sierra Leone and the United Kingdom. As a representative of his country, President Bio will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with other world leaders, fostering relationships that will benefit Sierra Leone and the international community as a whole.

As the President and First Lady prepare to embark on this important journey, the people of Sierra Leone stand in support and solidarity with them. We wish them a safe and successful trip and look forward to the positive outcomes that will result from their participation in this historic event.

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