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Ghana bans the importation of foreign food items that can be produced locally.

An announcement regarding the prohibition of importing food products that can be produced domestically was made by the Minister of Information of Ghana, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah.

According to Nkrumah, he stated that the move is being made with the intention of bringing down the high price of food in Ghana. In the course of an interview on a breakfast show on OTEC 102.9 FM known as Nyasapo, he stated that the government will spend the next six months working to increase food production in the country, which will in turn create more job opportunities.

An excerpt from the announcement reads: 

“Government has deployed pragmatic and practical strategy to strengthen the capacity of local producers to help increase the local production of food items.”

He admitted that Ghana was experiencing some economic difficulties, which were brought on by a high rate of importation of goods into the country, particularly food products. He went on to say that the high demand for food products from other countries is having a negative impact on the country’s domestic food production.

Rice, fish, poultry products, and cooking oil are some of the foods that are going to be on the list of restricted foods, along with a few others.

It is anticipated that this move will alleviate many of the constraints that the economy of Ghana is currently facing.

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