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ECSL election tallay

Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone Opens Tally Centres This Morning

The Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) has announced the commencement of tallying the results for the recently concluded multitier elections on June 24th, 2024. This crucial process began promptly at 9 a.m. today.

Designated Tally Centres for Transparent Results

In a bid to ensure transparency and accountability, the ECSL has designated specific tally centres where the results will be tallied. Representatives from various election stakeholders, including media outlets, national and international observers, as well as political parties, have been invited to witness and participate in the tallying process. This inclusive approach aims to instill trust and confidence in the election outcomes.

Tally Centres by Region

Western Area – National Data Centre, Wellington, Freetown

The tally centre for the Western Area is located at the National Data Centre, situated at 15 Industrial Estate, Wellington, in Freetown. This facility will serve as the hub for tallying and consolidating results from the Western Area.

Southern Region – ECSL Regional Office, Bo City

In the Southern Region, the tallying centre is established at the ECSL Regional Office on Reservation Road in Bo City. This dedicated venue will be responsible for tallying and tabulating the election results from the Southern Region.

Eastern Region – ECSL Regional Office, Kenema City

The Eastern Region’s tallying centre is situated at the ECSL Regional Office on Reservation Road in Kenema City. Here, meticulous tallying procedures will take place to ensure accurate and reliable results from the Eastern Region.

Northern Region – ECSL Regional Office, Makeni City

The Northern Region will conduct its tallying process at the ECSL Regional Office, located on Azzolinni Highway in Makeni City. This designated centre will consolidate the polling results from the Northern Region.

North West Region – District Council Hall, Port Loko City

The North West Region’s tallying centre is set up at the District Council Hall in Port Loko City. This venue will oversee the consolidation of results specifically from the North West Region.

Central Hub: Freetown International Conference Center

Once the tallying process is complete at the respective regional tally centres, the compiled results will be sent to the Freetown International Conference Center. As the central hub of the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone, the conference center will receive and centralize the data from all the tally centres. This crucial step ensures the accurate and efficient aggregation of the election results.

The Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone is committed to conducting a transparent and fair electoral process. By establishing designated tally centres across different regions, the ECSL aims to uphold the integrity of the results and provide an inclusive platform for stakeholders to engage actively in the tallying process. Through this meticulous approach, the commission strives to reinforce public trust and confidence in the electoral system of Sierra Leone.

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