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Alleged Military Coup in The Gambia-Four soldiers arrested

Alleged Military Coup in The Gambia-Four soldiers arrested

A military coup, sometimes called a coup d’état, is the rapid, extrajudicial takeover of a government by a small group of the existing state apparatus, typically the military, in order to oust the current administration and replace it with another one, either civil or military.

In the previous two years, a number of African countries have experienced multiple military coups. Burkina Faso and Mali have both seen successful military takeovers. Additionally, there have been unsuccessful attempts in Guinea-Bissau and Niger.

In a recent occurrence, the government of The Gambia claims that it has prevented an attempted military takeover of the country. 

When rumors of a coup began circulating on Tuesday, the army first denied it saying it was just a “military drill.”

However, according to an official statement, four military personnel had been apprehended, but three other individuals who were suspected of being accomplices were still being sought.

It is not entirely clear who was behind the effort to remove President Adama Barrow from office on Tuesday. 

Mr. Barrow came to power after a shocking election victory in December 2016, winning over President Yahya Jammeh, who had been in office for a number of years.

Currently, life is going on as usual in Banjul, the capital of The Gambia, and there is no sign of unrest in the city.

Moreover, there have been no reports of gunfire, and there is no indication that loyalist forces have been moved in to secure any important locations.

However, a statement released by the government mentioned that members of the military reserve had been placed on standby.

In addition, it stated that “the situation is completely under control at this time.”

Alleged military coup in the Gambia

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