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The African Shows
China in 1931 vs 2021
China in 1931 vs 2021

Till When Shall Africa Cry to the West for Aid and handouts

Till When Shall Africa Cry to the West for Aid and handouts?

China, Singapore, South Korea, and others made it because they rolled up their sleeves and considered the task of nation building a “do or die affair.”

And they’ve, to a greater extent, succeeded, which puts them in a position to literally feed Africa today. In 2019, I went to several places and institutions in Beijing, Yantai, and Weihei, China. What I learned is that our land is much more fertile and usable than China’s.

But they’re feeding Africa today despite their poor land. An official tour guide told us that one of China’s environmental policies is that every secondary school student must plant and nurture five trees before they are certified. It’s a national policy to protect the environment. This is one of the reasons why every city in China is infested with well-managed green parks and forests.

During the early days of independence in Malaysia, the country had almost zero palm trees, but today Malaysia is one of the biggest exporters of palm oil in the world.

At one point, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in Asia, and they got their independence around the same time as most African countries, but now we get most of our electronics, especially Samsung devices, from them.

The Netherlands went bankrupt after the 2nd World War, but with a strategic vision, they used agriculture to revive their economy. Today, they export poultry and milk to the rest of the world, including the Gambia and several African countries. 

Why can we not equally look at our available niches to develop our countries in Africa? What’s so difficult or different about us?

Yero S. Bah
Opinion By Yero S. Bah

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