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Hilda guinness world record

20 Fascinating Facts About Hilda Baci and Her Remarkable Guinness World Record Marathon Cooking

  1. Hilda Baci’s full name is Hilda Bassey Effiong, and she is a young and talented Nigerian chef from Akwa Ibom State. She is the proud owner of a food brand in Lagos called “My Food by Hilda”.

  2. Hilda will be attempting to cook non-stop for four consecutive days.

  3. While cooking, Hilda is required to stand and is not permitted to sit.

4. Hilda is not allowed to consume coffee, stimulants, or energy drinks to artificially boost her energy and bodily strength during the cooking marathon.

5. However, she is allowed to eat food, drink water or fruit juice, and take glucose to maintain her energy levels.

6. The cooking marathon is taking place at Amore Gardens, Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria.

7. Hilda will be cooking round the clock, with no breaks for sleep. She will be cooking throughout the day and night for four consecutive nights.

8. Hilda is entitled to just five minutes of rest per hour, which means that for every 12 hours, she is allowed only one hour of break time. Alternatively, some sources claim that she gets a 30-minute break every six hours, during which she can nap, use the restroom, and receive a medical assessment from the available medical team.

9. All of the food that Hilda cooks during the marathon will be shared with the people at the venue for free. She is not selling any of the food.

10. Hilda has the freedom to cook any meal that she likes simultaneously. There are no restrictions on what she can or cannot cook during the marathon. The Guinness World Record title is based on cooking within a time frame, not on what is cooked. As long as she is cooking, she is on track to break the record.

11. Every meal cooked and every plate served will be recorded. Hilda has already cooked over 115 meals, with almost 3,000 portions, if not more by the time you are reading this.

12. Hilda started cooking on Thursday and is expected to complete the target time frame by the evening of Monday, May 15th, 2023.

13. Hilda is attempting to break the current Guinness World Record holder, Indian chef Lata Tandon, who set a record for cooking non-stop for 87 hours and 45 minutes in 2019.

14. To break the record, Hilda is attempting to cook non-stop for 96 hours, using an extra nine hours to break the world record as the first human to spend such an amount of time cooking a marathon.

15. Hilda has named this cooking project the “Cook-a-thon”, a phrase that was coined from the word “marathon”.

16. Hilda appears exhausted already, but the people around her are cheering her on and boosting her morale. They are available to support her 24/7, even during the night.

17. Hilda’s sponsors have provided most of the food items, ingredients, and utensils used for this project. Therefore, not all of the expenses are borne by Hilda or her food brand.

18. One of Hilda’s partners, Uber, is offering a 40% discounted ride to the venue for people who wish to join and cheer her on.

19. Hilda’s mother is also a chef and owns a food brand called “Calabar Pot”.

20. Hilda is only 27 years old, making her one of the youngest chefs attempting to break a Guinness World Record.

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