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mende tribe facts

10 Amazing Facts about the Mende Tribe in Sierra Leone

1. The Mende people are an ethnic group who live primarily in Sierra Leone, with smaller populations also found in Liberia and Guinea.

2. The Mende people are one of the two largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone, making up around 30% of the country’s population.

3. The Mende language, also known as Mɛnde yia, is one of the major languages spoken in Sierra Leone, and is also spoken in Liberia and Guinea

4. The Mende people have a rich oral tradition, with storytelling, proverbs, and music playing an important role in their culture.

5. The Mende people traditionally practiced agriculture, with rice being a staple crop. They also engage in fishing, hunting, and trade.

6. The Mende people have a patrilineal system of inheritance, where property and status are passed down through the Fathers’s family line.

7. The Mende people have a strong sense of community and place a high value on social harmony.

8. The Mende people have a rich tradition of masking and masquerade, which is used in various cultural contexts, including funerals, initiations, and other ceremonies.

9. The Mende people have a traditional belief system that incorporates ancestor worship, spirits, and deities.

10. The Mende people have a long history of resistance against colonialism and oppression, with figures such Sengbe Pieh (also known as Joseph Cinqué) playing important roles in the struggle for independence and freedom.

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